Saturday, September 15, 2012

Secure JAX-WS with Apache CXF (Some links)

Some useful links for my reference, related to securing JAX-WS services when using Apache CXF:

Some background:

If you want to create a JAX-WS web service as standalone Java program (i.e., one that starts with a main(String..) method), there are two approaches:

1. If you can deploy your application on the Sun JVM, you can probably easily use Sun's HTTP server that comes bundled with it.
Something on the lines of:
KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
KeyManagerFactory keyManagerFactory = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance..
SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
HttpsServer httpsServer = HttpsServer.create..
httpsServer.setHttpsConfigurator.. (pass the sslContext here)
HttpContext httpContext = httpsServer.createContext..
httpContext.setAuthenticator.. (for example, a BasicAuthenticator)
Endpoint e = Endpoint.create(impl)
and e.publish(httpContext)

2. Instead, if you want you application to be portable and be able to run on any JVM, one way is to use an alternate JAX-WS implementation, such as Apache CXF.
Doing this would mean the following:
- Download the CXF distribution and add a large number of JARs that it needs to the classpath.
- If SSL and authentication is not needed, a simple one-liner is all that's needed:

- If SSL is needed, refer to the wsdl_first_https sample in the CXF distrbution, and set up a Spring configuration file to enable SSL on the embedded Jetty that CXF internally uses:
And make your Java program use that Spring configuration:

-If basic authentication is desired, add a Jetty handler to that Spring configuration file,
        <beans:bean class="org.example.MyLoginHandler">
where the handler MyLoginHandler extends ConstraintSecurityHandler, and in its constructor, initializes itself.
Some links on initializing a SecurityHandler:

Miscellaneous references:

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