Saturday, June 12, 2010

TinyMCE as a JSF 2 composite component

I was looking for a rich text editor that I could use on a jsf page, but quite surprisingly, there seems to be nothing useful.

So I tried creating one of my own by using TinyMCE.

It wasn't actually very tough to do.. here's what kind-of worked:

First, I downloaded TinyMCE, and then copied in the tinymce_3_3_7\tinymce\jscripts\tiny_mce folder into my WebContent/resources.

Then I created my composite component facelet file, tinymce.xhtml under the resources/editors folder.

The component itself is quite simple. It just includes the TinyMCE javascript in the head of the document, and outputs a simple text area. Configuration for TinyMCE is done in the tinymce_init.js.

In tinymce_init.js, I have:

mode : "specific_textareas",
theme : "simple",
debug : true,
editor_selector : "tinymce"

Then in my view page, I use it like this:

<h:head />
<h:form id="form">
<test:tinymce value="#{bean.summary}"/>

<h:panelGrid id="details" layout="block">
<h:commandButton value="Add details..." action="#{bean.showDetails}"
rendered="#{not bean.detailsAdded}">
<f:ajax render="details" />
<h:commandButton value="Remove details" action="#{bean.hideDetails}"
<f:ajax onevent="ajaxAdjust" render="details"/>
<h:panelGrid id="details2" layout="block" rendered="#{bean.detailsAdded}">
<test:tinymce value="#{bean.details}"/>
<br />
<h:commandButton value="Save"/>

So that stuff gets saved upon AJAX postbacks, I added this to tinymce_init.js:


And here's what I have finally, with everything I need:
- As many rich text editors as I want on a page,
- These editors work nicely with JSF 2, VDL and f:ajax
- These are simple editors - they don't have tens of buttons and options that confuse users


  1. I was hunting around for many many hours trying to figure out how to use a WYSIWYG editor in JSF. This worked great, thanks!

  2. Hi,

    I was working on the same component. Have you tried to trigger the save of the component using the AJAX event?

    I tried this implementation but no luck. Any idea how? Thanks

  3. At last we can have a recent version of tinyMCE on JSF pages instead of using one that embedded into frameworks like RichFaces. Thats really great.

  4. No ajax, doesn't work.

    1. It's an old blog post..
      But, I tried the same thing on a fresh Web App today and it worked as it did earlier. The Ajax click worked too.

      When I tried today, my configuration was: Tomcat 6.0 + MyFaces 2.0.13 + TinyMCE 3.5.

      If Ajax doesn't work, usually watching the "Net" tab on Firebug ( is helpful as a debugging tool.

  5. So can we add this TinyMCE to the primefaces ? If so how can we achieve it ?

  6. can you please paste the file test.xhtml

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